Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Product Shelf Life

Bloomfield Bath uses unrefined, organic ingredients.

Have you ever wonder, how long will my shampoo or lotion last? What will happen if I use my product after its expiration date? How can I find out the expiration date? These are all great questions to ask when you are using anything on your skin. The shelf life of a product is basically the time a product is usable or fit for consumption. Usually after this time that product will not be as effective. Typically, if you use a product after it has expired, best case scenario, it just stops doing what it should do or it can change how it looks or feels. On the off side, it could also, cause skin irritations or infections.  Therefore, I am going to explain how you can find out what is the expiration date on your body products. Below are examples of how the shelf life of products can be displayed on their containers. These pictures show "12M" on an open jar. Some containers will have 6,24 or 36M. the "M" stands for months. So the picture below is telling their consumers these products will be best if used in twelve months from period after opening (PAO). PAO is the time after the container has been opened.  


 When the items are exposed to light and air, bacteria can begin to break down the benefits of the products and you will want to use the items within the PAO time frame. Even if you do not open your products heat and humidity can also reduce practicality of the products. Generally some products, unopened, can be good for 2-3 years. Organic and natural products have a shelf life of about six months. This is probably because of the absence of preservatives. If your product does not have the above image or "use by date" on the back of the container, you can assume the expiration date is presumably twelve months. You can also contact the company directly to get the PAO date or visit this website, 

Bloomfield Bath does use vegetable base preservative in their products. Thus, giving many of the items a longer shelf life. You can read all about Bloomfield Bath's ingredients here.

 Now check the back, bottom, or inside of your containers for the shelf life of your products to protect your skin. If your product is expired replace it. Check out my website to order natural, handmade hair, face, and body products today? 

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