Friday, October 10, 2014

What are Parabens?

        There are many products on the markets saying their products are paraben free. But, the question I had when I see these labels are....What are parabens and why shouldn't we use them. So I dived in searching and looking for the answers to my questions. According to Wikipedia, parabens are man made chemical preservatives. They are used in cosmetics, medicines, and even in our foods & drinks. (WOW) 
       Parabens have been used in products, as preservatives, since the 1950's. Many times more than one type of parabens are used in the same product. The well known types of parabens are, butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben. In the 1990's, parabens was said to imitate the estrogen in the body, thus contributing to the cause of breast cancer and reproductive problems. Research conducted by Philippa Darbre, Ph.D, found parabens in malignant breast tumors. Since only cancerous tumors were study, many scientist and doctors are unsure of these results. The amount of parabens used in products are small and, some believe, the evidence is not there to prove parabens are bad for your health. As stated by the Journal of Applied Toxicology, “No claim was made that the presence of parabens had caused the breast cancers.” Metabolites, one of the chemical components of parabens, was found in the breast tumor, not the parabens themselves.
This cause some concern for me. Even though only one component of this preservative is found in breast tumors, and companies only use small quantities of parabens in their product. There are many different variations of parabens used in one product. Just think how many products with parabens do we use on a daily bases, the lotions, make-up, fragrances. Then, how many foods and drinks containing parabens are we consuming on a daily bases. Now, if we add the amount of parabens in all of these products together, you will not get small doses of parabens in your system... you will get a COMBINED dose. The Center for Disease Control does have a fact sheet with more information about parabens and what they found in their study. But, why take a chance on how much is to much. Go Paraben Free!!!

+Bloomfield Bath has made a promise not to use any prabens in their products. We use all natural plant base preservatives and all orders are made fresh when ordered. We offer handmade soaps, lotions/creams/butters, scrubs, hair products such as cleansers and conditioners, and much much more. You can't go wrong when your going natural.


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