Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cocoa Butter

How do you make Cocoa Butter? The cocoa pod houses the seeds, when the seeds are ready for harvest (in about 5 years), the beans are extracted, fermented and allowed to dry out. Once dry the beans are then called cocoa nibs. The cocoa nibs are then grounded and cacao liquor is produced. Non alcoholic kind of liquor. :o) The liquor is passed through a screw press produces pure cocoa butter. Bloomfield Bath-Natural Body Care cocoa butter is unrefined and organic. Cocoa Butter has vital amino acid which helps in the creation of serotonin. So when placed on your skin it can assist in making you feel good. Cocoa butter on the skin helps in skin protection it contains a large quantity of extremely bio-available minerals which are more efficient in their usual plant form compared to vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper & iron. Try it!!!! www.bloomfieldbath.com/kmknowles

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